Of the top wealth­i­est cities in the coun­try, three are in Texas

Of the top wealthiest cities in the country, three are in Texas

(The Cen­ter Square) – Of the 11 wealth­i­est cities in the Unit­ed States, three are in Texas, accord­ing to a new report pub­lished by Hen­ley & Part­ners, a glob­al leader in res­i­dence and cit­i­zen­ship by invest­ment.
In its America’s Wealth­i­est Cities report, which ranks cities by the num­ber of mil­lion­aires, cen­ti-mil­lion­aires and bil­lion­aires, Texas has great­est num­ber of cities with the wealth­i­est res­i­dents. The major­i­ty live in Hous­ton, fol­lowed by Dal­las and Austin.
No oth­er state has three cities list­ed oth­er than Texas.
The 11 cities with the great­est num­ber of wealthy res­i­dents are New York City, the Bay Area, Los Ange­les, Chica­go, Hous­ton, Dal­las, Se …