Ohio law­mak­ers want to expand can­di­date chal­lenges

Ohio lawmakers want to expand candidate challenges

(The Cen­ter Square) – Any Ohio vot­er could protest a can­di­date for pub­lic office if new leg­is­la­tion clears the state Leg­is­la­ture.
Cur­rent­ly, only a reg­is­tered mem­ber of the candidate’s par­ty can file a protest, but Reps. Ang­ie King, R‑Celina, and Rod­ney Creech, R‑West Alexan­dria, believe a change will make elec­tions more open.
“Trans­paren­cy is key to the suc­cess of our elec­tions,” said King. “Open elec­tions are a fun­da­men­tal right of Amer­i­cans, and they have the right to know who they are …