Trump endors­es for Gal­lagher House seat after MAGA con­sul­tant declines Wis­con­sin run

Trump endorses for Gallagher House seat after MAGA consultant declines Wisconsin run

Trump­world con­sul­tant Alex Brue­se­witz announced he would not run for the seat of retir­ing Rep. Mike Gal­lagher (R‑WI) in a state­ment timed to for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s endorse­ment of anoth­er Repub­li­can in the race.
Brue­se­witz, a Palm Beach-area advis­er in the for­mer president’s orbit, had teased a cam­paign in his home state of Wis­con­sin for months. Lit­tle more than a week ago, he tout­ed a poll show­ing him with a 20-point lead in a hypo­thet­i­cal pri­ma­ry matchup.
But he opt­ed to endorse oil and gas busi­ness­man Tony Wied instead on Sun­day, end­ing months of spec­u­la­tion about his entry into the race. His announce­ment came min­utes before Trump issued his own endorse­ment for Wied. 
“A big part of putting Amer­i­ca first is not putting your­self first,” Brue­se­witz said in a state­ment. “If I tru­ly believed I was the best can­di­date for this moment and tru­ly believed the time was right, I would be run­ning.”
“But right now I believe that get­ting Pres­i­dent Trump back in the White House is what I need to remained focused on, and that will be my mis­sion until Novem­ber,” he added.

Alex Brue­se­witz shakes hands with for­mer …