Joy Behar Claims Repub­li­cans Are Com­pet­ing To Ruin Women’s Lives

Joy Behar Claims Republicans Are Competing To Ruin Women’s Lives

Joy Behar claimed on Tues­day that Repub­li­cans – specif­i­cal­ly for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, for­mer Vice Pres­i­dent Mike Pence, and Sen­a­tor Lind­sey Gra­ham (R‑SC) — were com­pet­ing to see who could “make women’s lives more mis­er­able.”
Behar made the com­ments dur­ing a dis­cus­sion on ABC’s mid­day talk show “The View,” say­ing that they were work­ing to “destroy women” by sup­port­ing restric­tions or advo­cat­ing for out­right bans on abor­tion.
Cohost Whoopi Gold­berg began the con­ver­sa­tion by ref­er­enc­ing Monday’s announce­ment from for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump, in which he took cred­it for bring­ing about the end of Roe v. Wade and said that he believed …