Net­works HIDE ‘Death To Israel And Amer­i­ca’ Chants on Amer­i­can Soil

“Death To Israel And Amer­i­ca” chants broke out on Al-Quds Day, a day insti­tut­ed by the Aya­tol­lah Khome­i­ni to protest against Amer­i­ca and Israel. Had these protests hap­pened through­out the Mid­dle East, it is high­ly like­ly that they would’ve gar­nered sig­nif­i­cant air­time across the evening net­work news­casts. But the chants in ques­tion hap­pened on Amer­i­can soil, and so there was no cov­er­age what­so­ev­er, despite White House con­dem­na­tion of the chants.
As the Dai­ly Caller’s own Rea­gan Reese reports:

The White House con­demned pro­test­ers who were caught on video at an Al-Quds Day ral­ly in Dear­born, Michi­gan, chant­i­ng “ …