Biden’s Claims Of Eco­nom­ic Vic­to­ry Slapped Back By Worse-Than-Expect­ed Infla­tion Report

Biden’s Claims Of Economic Victory Slapped Back By Worse-Than-Expected Inflation Report

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s econ­o­my took a gut punch on Wednes­day when a hot­ter-than-expect­ed infla­tion report dropped, reveal­ing a 3.5% increase over the last 12 months — the high­est year-over-year increase since last Sep­tem­ber.
Accord­ing to the lat­est Con­sumer Price Index data — which was released by the Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics — key dri­vers of the high­er rates include car insur­ance, gro­ceries, elec­tric­i­ty, and gas. New par­ents and pet own­ers are feel­ing the pinch as well, with baby food now up over 30% since 2021 and pet food up 23.7%.

Gaso­line: 47.8%Groceries: +21.1%Eating out: +21.4%Baby food: +30.5%Pet food: +23. …