House FISA bill tanked by hard­lin­ers in lat­est blow to Speak­er Johnson’s lead­er­ship

House FISA bill tanked by hardliners in latest blow to Speaker Johnson’s leadership

Hard-line House Repub­li­cans tanked a pro­ce­dur­al rule vote that would begin debate on reau­tho­riz­ing Sec­tion 702 of the For­eign Intel­li­gence Sur­veil­lance Act, effec­tive­ly leav­ing the House at a stand­still just nine days before the key sur­veil­lance law expires. 
Repub­li­can lead­ers hoped to advance the FISA reform on Wednes­day, but the mea­sure failed after 19 Repub­li­cans joined all Democ­rats in tank­ing the rule. The vote, which failed 193–228, is the lat­est blow to Speak­er Mike Johnson’s (R‑LA) lead­er­ship, which is already on the rocks as he faces sev­er­al leg­isla­tive chal­lenges and a threat to remove him from his top posi­tion. 
Advanc­ing a rule is a pro­ce­dur­al move that is typ­i­cal­ly vot­ed on along par­ty lines and rarely fails on the House floor. How­ev­er, House Repub­li­cans have weaponized the pro­ce­dure sev­er­al times over the last year, vot­ing to stall action on the floor when­ev­er they dis­agree with GOP lead­er­ship.
For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump came ou …