Nets Pro­claim ‘Game Chang­er’ AZ Rul­ing Means Abor­tion Will ‘Define’ 2024 as #1 Issue

On Wednes­day, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC all led off their flag­ship morn­ing news shows with cov­er­age of the Ari­zona state Supreme Court rul­ing rein­stalling an abor­tion law dat­ing back to 1864 that pro­tects unborn babies unless the life of the moth­er is threat­ened. 
Giv­en the lib­er­al media’s ebul­lience toward killing babies, they were gid­dy about this “bomb­shell rul­ing” and argued this “game chang­er” ensure abor­tion — not the econ­o­my, infla­tion, nation­al secu­ri­ty, or anyth …