Net­work News­casts POUNCE on AZ Abor­tion Rul­ing, Hope­ful It Helps Biden

For lack of a bet­ter term, the evening net­work news­casts pounced- or seized, if you will, upon the Ari­zona Supreme Court rul­ing toss­ing out the state’s 15-week lim­it on abor­tion and putting in place the 1864 ter­ri­to­r­i­al statute which bans abor­tion in all instances except to pro­tect the life of the moth­er. As you can imag­ine, the focus of all this col­lec­tive seiz­ing and pounc­ing was on the poten­tial elec­toral effects of this rul­ing.
Most exem­plary and most o …