Rad­i­cal Har­vard Stu­dents Set To Skirt Bylaws To Hold Anti-Israel Ref­er­en­dum Vote

Radical Harvard Students Set To Skirt Bylaws To Hold Anti-Israel Referendum Vote

Anti-Israel stu­dent activists at Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty are push­ing for­ward with a ref­er­en­dum on whether the school should divest from Israel, a move that may vio­late rules bar­ring the under­grad­u­ate stu­dent gov­ern­ment from tak­ing posi­tions on glob­al issues.
A peti­tion launched on Tues­day gath­ered the 195 sig­na­tures need­ed to trig­ger a col­lege-wide ref­er­en­dum in just three hours, accord­ing to the Har­vard Crim­son. The under­grad­u­ate push fol­lows Har­vard Law School and Har­vard Divin­i­ty School’s stu­dent gov­ern­ments vot­ing to divest from the Jew­ish State in recent weeks.
If ref­er­en­dum bylaws are fol­lowed and sig­na­tures are ver­i­fied, the vote will be held with­in three weeks and include the pro­posed ques­tion: “Should Har­vard divest from insti­tu­tions that prof­it from and/or aid Israel’s war on Gaza and the ongo­ing ille­gal occu­pa­tion of Pales­tine?”
Two Har­vard stu­dents told The Dai­ly Wire that the peti­tion is a …