Trump Says Ari­zona Abor­tion Law Goes Too Far: ‘That Will Be Straight­ened Out’

Trump Says Arizona Abortion Law Goes Too Far: ‘That Will Be Straightened Out’

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump said on Wednes­day that he believes Arizona’s abor­tion law goes too far after the state’s Supreme Court ruled that a 160-year-old ban on near­ly all abor­tions can go into effect.
The law, which was passed before Ari­zona was a state in 1864, came before the state’s high­est court after an appeals court ruled in Decem­ber 2022 that doc­tors could not be pros­e­cut­ed under the abor­tion ban even though the law man­dates that any­one who aids an abor­tion, except in the case of sav­ing the mother’s life, be pun­ished by two to five years in prison, AZ Cen­tral report­ed. In a 4–2 rul­ing on Tuesd …