Biden cam­paign and DNC ham­mer Trump in Ari­zona over abor­tion

Biden campaign and DNC hammer Trump in Arizona over abortion

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s cam­paign kept focus on the brew­ing bat­tle over abor­tion in Ari­zona with the launch of a new ad Thurs­day attack­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
The 30-sec­ond “Pow­er Back” ad is part of a sev­en-fig­ure buy in Ari­zona, a top bat­tle­ground state in the 2024 race, where Democ­rats are hop­ing to win the state and the open Sen­ate seat again.
Biden speaks direct­ly to Ari­zona vot­ers in the ad, once again blam­ing Trump for the dilem­ma women face over access to abor­tion, as images of women look­ing sullen are shown.
“The ques­tion is if Don­ald Trump gets back in pow­er, what free­dom will you lose next?” Biden asks. “Your body and your deci­sions belong to you. Not the gov­ern­ment. Not Don­ald Trump. I will fight like hell to get your free­dom back.”

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The ad blitz tar­gets a coali­tion of vot­ers who could help deliv­er Ari­zona to Biden, includ­ing young peo­ple, women, and Lati­nos. It will also be aired dur­ing pop­u­lar shows includ­ing Abbott Ele­men­tary, Sur­vivor, Grey’s Anato­my, Amer­i­can Idol, The Voice, and Sat­ur­day Night Live.
Biden won Ari­zona in 2020 by few­er than 11,000 votes.
But after the …