Mey­ers Rants At ‘Piece of ****’ Fox For Defend­ing Trump on Abor­tion

NBC’s Late Night host Seth Mey­ers brought out the bleep but­ton on Wednesday’s show to angri­ly respond to a Fox Busi­ness seg­ment sug­gest­ing Don­ald Trump’s fed­er­al­ist stance on abor­tion makes him a mod­er­ate or even pro-choice, as he labeled radio host Mark Simone a “piece of [bleep]” and a “mother[bleep].”
Mey­ers intro­duced the clip of Simone on Kud­low by declar­ing that “[Trump’s] allies think they can trick every­one into think­ing he’s a mod­er­ate on abor­tion by lying and claim­ing he’ll lea …