Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D‑MI) refused to answer questions about a rally that took place in her district, in which attendees chanted “Death to America,” and instead yelled at the reporter asking her to comment.
The anti-American demonstration took place last weekend at an “International Quds Day” rally, which was held in support of Gaza in Dearborn, Michigan. There, activist Tarek Bazzi led attendees in a chant of “Death to America.” Fox News reporter Hillary Vaughn attempted to ask Tlaib about the event while she walked the halls of the Capitol.
“I don’t talk to Fox News! I don’t talk to Fox News!” Tlaib yelled repeatedly as Vaughn tried to ask about the chant.
This was not the first interaction between Tlaib and Vaughn. Shortly after the Hamas attacks on Oct. 7, Vaughn approached Tlaib in the Capitol to ask for the representative’s thoughts …