Trump Movie ‘The Appren­tice’ Head­ed To Cannes; First Look Drops

Trump Movie ‘The Apprentice’ Headed To Cannes; First Look Drops

The fic­tion­al­ized biopic about the rise to star­dom of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, “The Appren­tice,” will appear at the annu­al Cannes Film Fes­ti­val, with audi­ences get­ting their first look at the film on Thurs­day.
Direct­ed by Iran­ian-Dan­ish film­mak­er Ali Abbasi, the movie “The Appren­tice” has been revealed to be part of the main com­pe­ti­tion at the 2024 pres­ti­gious movie fes­ti­val held next month in France, accord­ing to The Hol­ly­wood Reporter.
Writ­ten by Gabe Sher­man, Mar­vel star Sebas­t­ian Stan took on the part of a young Trump before TV fame and his rise to the high­est office in the land. “Suc­ces­sion” star Jere­my Strong land­ed the role of Trump’s attor­ney Roy Cohn with actress Maria Bakalo­va play­ing Ivana Trump and vet­er­an actor Mar­tin Dono­van get­ting the part of Donald’s father, Fred Trump Sr.
In a still shared Thurs­day from pro­duc­ers, audi­ences got their first glimpse of Stan as a young Trump. In the pho­to that can be seen below, we see Strong and the …