Israel braces for Iran drone attack with­in 48 hours

Israel braces for Iran drone attack within 48 hours

Israel is prepar­ing for a major attack on its own soil by Iran in the next 24–48 hours, pos­si­bly in the form of a drone assault, accord­ing to U.S. intel­li­gence.
Iran has vowed to retal­i­ate against Israel for the bomb­ing of an Iran­ian diplo­mat­ic annex in Dam­as­cus, Syr­ia, that result­ed in the death of Moham­mad Reza Zahe­di, a senior Islam­ic Rev­o­lu­tion­ary Guard Corps gen­er­al.
On Thurs­day, Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu vis­it­ed an Israel Defense Forces air base, telling troops: “We have deter­mined a sim­ple rule: Who­ev­er harms us, we will harm them.”
U.S. intel­li­gence, how­ev­er, believes that the retal­ia­to­ry attack is immi­nent, telling CBS News it could take the form of more than 100 …