Joe Manchin says he could still endorse Biden but warns pres­i­dent has gone too far left

Joe Manchin says he could still endorse Biden but warns president has gone too far left

Sen. Joe Manchin (D‑WV) indi­cat­ed on Fri­day that he has not giv­en up on endors­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden this Novem­ber but claimed where he is now is too far to the left. 
Manchin said there was still time for Biden to earn his sup­port, but he want­ed the old Biden who was a uni­fi­er back rather than one who lis­tens to the far-left mem­bers of his par­ty.
“I want Joe Biden to be the Joe Biden I’ve known for­ev­er, OK?” Manchin told MSNBC’s Katy Tur. “Always work­ing a deal, always want­i­ng to bring peo­ple togeth­er, which is how he cam­paigned in 2020. I think his staff is tak­ing him too far left. I don’t believe that’s where he needs to be. I don’t believe that’s where he is, inter­nal­ly, nev­er has bee …