Pence’s sec­ond act: For­mer VP will teach about Chris­tian­i­ty in pub­lic insti­tu­tions at Penn­syl­va­nia col­lege

Pence’s second act: Former VP will teach about Christianity in public institutions at Pennsylvania college

For­mer Vice Pres­i­dent Mike Pence has found his first offi­cial job since drop­ping out of the 2024 Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial pri­maries, and will be teach­ing at a pri­vate col­lege in Penn­syl­va­nia.
Pence, who has a rep­u­ta­tion for bring­ing his Chris­t­ian views on things like abor­tion into his pol­i­tics, will be teach­ing about the role of Chris­tian­i­ty in pub­lic insti­tu­tions as a vis­it­ing fel­low at the con­ser­v­a­tive Chris­t­ian uni­ver­si­ty Grove City Col­lege in Grove City, Penn­syl­va­nia.
“The appro­pri­ate role of faith in the pub­lic square is a major issue in this moment of our Amer­i­can life,” Grove City Col­lege Pres­i­dent Paul McNul­ty said in a state­ment on Thurs­day. “The Founders envi­sioned a free soci­ety sus­tained by a self-gov­ern­ing cit­i­zen­ry and strength­ened by virtues root­ed in reli­gious belief. At the core of Chris­t­ian faith is the call to do jus­tice, love mer­cy, and walk humbly with God. The Cen­ter will exam­ine how and why Chris­tians have sought to put their faith into action for the com­mon good.”He con­tin­ued: “Mike Pence is the per­fect choice for the Center’s first fel­low­ship. …