Infla­tion: How much prices for impor­tant goods and ser­vices have risen under Biden

Inflation: How much prices for important goods and services have risen under Biden

Prices are up near­ly 19% across the board since Pres­i­dent Joe Biden entered office, mean­ing house­holds are suf­fer­ing stick­er shock even if the infla­tion rate has mod­er­at­ed in recent months.
Infla­tion, as tracked by the con­sumer price index, rose to 3.5% for the year end­ing in March, the Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics report­ed Wednes­day. Over­all, the index is up 18.9% since Jan­u­ary of 2021.
Over the past three years, infla­tion has torn through the econ­o­my, peak­ing at a 9% annu­al rate in June 2022, and con­sumers have expressed dis­sat­is­fac­tion.
Since the month Biden entered office, elec­tric­i­ty prices have soared by more than 29% (although only 5% in the past year), and the price of piped gas has risen near­ly 30%, mak­ing util­i­ty bills more expen­sive, accord­ing to the CPI.
House­hold goods and food sta­ples have also gone up in price con­sid­er­ably. Meats, poul­try, fish, and eg …