Israel Vows ‘Unprece­dent­ed Response’ To Iran­ian Mis­sile, Drone Attack

Israel Vows ‘Unprecedented Response’ To Iranian Missile, Drone Attack

Israel is vow­ing that they will deliv­er an “unprece­dent­ed response” to the Islam­ic Repub­lic of Iran after Iran launched hun­dreds of drones and mis­siles at Israel on Sat­ur­day night.
Israel’s mul­ti-lay­ered air defense sys­tem — com­bined with air force assets from some of its top allies, includ­ing the U.S. and U.K. — shot down 99% of the sui­cide drones, bal­lis­tic mis­siles, and cruise mis­siles that Iran fired.
The Times of Israel high­light­ed a report from Israel’s Chan­nel 12:

Chan­nel 12 quotes a “senior Israeli offi­cial” pledg­ing an ‘unprece­dent­ed response’ to Iran’s attack and urg­ing Israelis not to go to bed due to what is com­ing Tehran’s way.

Israel’s Ynet News report­ed that Israeli offi­cials said, “The fact that Iran for the first time a …