Tax Day: Every­thing to know about tax­es ahead of Monday’s dead­line

Tax Day: Everything to know about taxes ahead of Monday’s deadline

Tax Day is rapid­ly approach­ing on Mon­day, and it could have cost­ly con­se­quences if fil­ers fail to file the nec­es­sary doc­u­ments in time.
Most tax­pay­ers must turn in their paper­work by 11:59 p.m. on April 15, but peo­ple in Maine and Mass­a­chu­setts have until April 17 because of observed hol­i­days. Peo­ple in dis­as­ter zones will get an even longer exten­sion to get their work in, along with those who have been affect­ed by the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.
What hap­pens if you fail to file on time?
A fail­ure to file tax­es and repay any mon­ey that’s owed to the IRS will lead to a penal­ty that could end up cost­ing 5% of the amount of mon­ey owed for each month, or part of a month, that the tax return and pay­ment are late, but not to exceed 25% of the amount due. 
Any pay­ments owed are due on the same day as the tax returns, but if fil­ers can­not afford to pay the full amount, they are enc …