CBS Trashed For Cut­ting To Local News Dur­ing Icon­ic Bil­ly Joel Per­for­mance

CBS Trashed For Cutting To Local News During Iconic Billy Joel Performance

CBS News took a social media beat­ing 0n Sun­day night after a tim­ing error caused affil­i­ates in two time zones to cut off the broad­cast of a con­cert spe­cial — right in the mid­dle of Bil­ly Joel’s icon­ic hit “Piano Man.”
The net­work had been tout­ing the Sun­day night broad­cast of “The 100th: Bil­ly Joel at Madi­son Square Gar­den – The Great­est Are­na Run of All Time” for weeks, and view­ers quick­ly took their dis­may to X as the high­ly-antic­i­pat­ed event end­ed in dis­ap­point­ment.
“Hey @CBS wtf is this?! You cut off @billyjoel dur­ing Pianoman of all songs?! And then didn’t come back to it?!?! Now won­der net­work TV is a …