Tax Day 2024: H&R Block web­site hav­ing prob­lems as fil­ing dead­line nears

<div>Tax Day 2024: H&R Block website having problems as filing deadline nears</div>

Pop­u­lar tax fil­ing ser­vice H&R Block is expe­ri­enc­ing out­ages with its com­put­er soft­ware as the tax fil­ing dead­line is just hours away.
The fed­er­al income tax dead­line for tax year 2023 is 11:59 p.m. on Mon­day. Users on social media report­ed error mes­sages when attempt­ing to file their returns to the Inter­nal Rev­enue Ser­vice.
Down­de­tec­tor shows users began report­ing out­ages with the tax fil­ing part of H&R Block’s online ser­vices at 9 p.m. EST on Sun­day, with out­age reports con­tin­u­ing into Mon­day and peak­ing around mid­day.
The com­pa­ny acknowl­edged the errors and prob­lems with the web­site on Mon­day, not­ing that online clients and those work­ing with tax pro­fes­sion­als, in per­son and vir­tu­al­ly, are not affect­ed by the out­age. H&R Block also rec­om­mend­ed either wait­ing for the e‑filin …