Inter­nal Trump memo down­plays abor­tion in Ari­zona while Democ­rats bank on oppo­site

Internal Trump memo downplays abortion in Arizona while Democrats bank on opposite

The Trump cam­paign is down­play­ing the impor­tance of abor­tion in the bat­tle­ground state of Ari­zona, claim­ing the issue is a top con­cern for most­ly Demo­c­ra­t­ic vot­ers after the state Supreme Court upheld a 19th-cen­tu­ry near-total ban on abor­tion.
After con­duct­ing an inter­nal poll from April 7–11 of 400 like­ly gen­er­al elec­tion vot­ers in the Grand Canyon State, Trump’s top poll­ster, Tony Fab­rizio, con­clud­ed that abor­tion is less impor­tant for Repub­li­can and inde­pen­dent vot­ers, accord­ing to an inter­nal cam­paign memo.
“Ari­zona vot­ers are NOT pre­oc­cu­pied with the Abor­tion rul­ing, it is large­ly Democ­rats,” Fab­rizio wrote in the memo, point­ing to the sec­tion of the sur­vey in which respon­dents were asked to weigh in on what sto­ry has recent­ly cap­tured their atten­tion, point­ing to the 24% of Democ­rats who cit­ed the Ari­zona abor­tion news ver­sus 6% of inde­pen­dents and 5% of Repub­li­cans. 
How­ev­er, when the top­ics of “Ari­zona abor­tion rul­ing / abor­tion ban” and “abor­tion / women’s rights” are com­bined, 16% of vot­ers polled men­tioned that as their top sto­ry, which was tied with “Israel / Gaza.” Both are high­er than the 13% that cit­ed “Bor­der / ille­gal immi­grati …