Trump tri­al begins: Here are the hush mon­ey case weak­ness­es Trump could exploit

Trump trial begins: Here are the hush money case weaknesses Trump could exploit

Don­ald Trump is prepar­ing to embark on a new chap­ter on Mon­day: the start of the first crim­i­nal tri­al for a for­mer pres­i­dent and one that he will seek at every junc­ture to dis­cred­it dur­ing the six-to-eight-week event.
Mon­day will mark the start of jury selec­tion, where the court will sum­mon hun­dreds of prospec­tive jurors and nar­row them down to a pool of 12 jurors and six alter­nates. Man­hat­tan Dis­trict Attor­ney Alvin Bragg, an elect­ed Demo­c­rat, charged Trump with 34 counts of first-degree fal­si­fy­ing busi­ness records, a low-lev­el felony that could result in up to four years behind bars if con­vict­ed.
Trump, who will be rep­re­sent­ed in court by attor­neys Todd Blanche …