Biden cap­i­tal­izes on Trump in court and touts tax plan in Penn­syl­va­nia

Biden capitalizes on Trump in court and touts tax plan in Pennsylvania

Penn­syl­va­nia is expect­ed to be one of the most close­ly con­test­ed states in this fall’s elec­tion, and with his oppo­nent side­lined, Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is barn­storm­ing it with a three-stop tour this week.
Biden will cam­paign first in Scran­ton, the city where he was born and spent his ear­li­est years, fol­lowed by a Wednes­day appear­ance in Pitts­burgh and two ral­lies Thurs­day in Philadel­phia. All will con­trast Biden’s tax plans with those of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
“Start­ing tomor­row in Scran­ton, the day after tax day, the pres­i­dent will out­line how Trump’s tax plan is a hand­out to the rich and leads the mid­dle class hold­ing the bag,” Biden cam­paign com­mu­ni­ca­tions direc­tor Michael Tyler said on a call with reporters pre­view­ing the president’s remarks.
The tour comes as Trump, the pre­sump­tive GOP nomin …