Col­umn: NPR Morn­ing Star Steve Inskeep Lame­ly Swats at Their Sus­pend­ed Dis­si­dent

Column: NPR Morning Star Steve Inskeep Lamely Swats at Their Suspended Dissident

Nation­al Pub­lic Radio senior edi­tor Uri Berlin­er has been sus­pend­ed for his unau­tho­rized cri­tique of the insu­lar lib­er­al bias of his net­work. NPR star and Morn­ing Edi­tion host Steve Inskeep took to his Sub­stack blog to slam Berliner’s arti­cle as “filled with errors and omis­sions.”
“His col­leagues have had a rich dia­logue about his mis­takes,” Inskeep crowed, and dropped the bomb that it was “an arti­cle that dis­cred­it­ed itself.”
For exam­ple, Inskeep declared an error in that Berlin­er found in D.C. vot­er records that NPR had 87 reg­is­tered Democ­rats and no reg­is­tered Repub­li­cans. When he was asked about Berlin­er at the San Anto­nio Book Fes­ti­val, he says he told them “I am a promi­nent mem­ber of the news­room in Wash­ing­ton. If Uri told the truth, then I could only be a reg­is­tered Demo­c­rat. I held up my vote …