‘We’ve Passed The Rubi­con’: Bill Maher Slams ‘Death To Amer­i­ca’ Chanters

‘We’ve Passed The Rubicon’: Bill Maher Slams ‘Death To America’ Chanters

Bill Maher slammed recent “Death to Amer­i­ca” chants by pro­test­ers at an Islam­ic ral­ly in Dear­born, Michi­gan, and said “we’ve passed the rubi­con.”
The host of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” went viral after he post­ed a clip on Tues­day from his recent “Over­time” seg­ment on YouTube in which he called out pro­tes­tors at the Inter­na­tion­al Al-Quds Day event — a day that exists to remind the Islam­ic world of their oppo­si­tion to Israel and the U.S.
The chants of “Death to Amer­i­ca” and “Death to Israel” began while the orga­niz­er, anti-Israel activist Takek Bazzi, was attack­ing the “rotten­est” coun­try he and the oth­er pro­tes­tors live in, as pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed.
“Now can I talk about Amer­i­can pro­pa­gan­da? Beca …