‘Won­der­ful­ly Poet­ic’: Joy Reid Cheers ‘My DEIs’ for Pros­e­cut­ing Trump

<div>‘Wonderfully Poetic’: Joy Reid Cheers 'My DEIs' for Prosecuting Trump</div>

Ele­ments of the lib­er­al media don’t see the law­suits and tri­als against for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump as just tools to score wins for their elec­toral pol­i­tics, they also see them as tools to score wins for their racial pol­i­tics as well. MSNBC host Joy Reid made that abun­dant­ly clear dur­ing the network’s Mon­day love­fest for the hush mon­ey tri­al in New York when she praised “my DEIs” for bring­ing so many charges against the for­mer Pres­i­dent.
Delv­ing into her usu­al race-bait­ing, Reid described it as “won­der­ful­ly poet­ic” that black peo­ple were pros­e­cut­ing Trump. With­out evi­dence, she sug­gest­ed that it would upset Trump and his inner cir­cle because they sup­pos­ed­ly didn’t want black peo­ple going to law school:

But for me, there is some­thing won­der­ful­ly poet­ic about the fact that despite the fact that even if con …