Editor’s Pick: Nation­al Review’s Ger­aghty Takes Blow­torch to NPR Over Berlin­er Deba­cle

Editor’s Pick: National Review’s Geraghty Takes Blowtorch to NPR Over Berliner Debacle

Writ­ing Thurs­day morn­ing over at Nation­al Review in the Morn­ing Jolt newslet­ter, senior writer Jim Ger­aghty went postal on tax­pay­er-fund­ed Nation­al Pub­lic Radio (NPR) over its han­dling of now-for­mer senior busi­ness edi­tor Uri Berliner’s bomb­shell essay for The Free Press metic­u­lous­ly dis­man­tling NPR for its decades of lib­er­al media bias.
Ger­aghty (cor­rect­ly) stat­ed it’s been “refresh­ing­ly hon­est” to see how “NPR respond­ed to the rev­e­la­tions and accu­sa­tions of 25-year vet­er­an Uri Berlin­er” with “biased, one-sided, arro­gant, and dis­mis­sive” con­dem­na­tions of Berlin­er because “that’s exact­ly how NPR likes it” sinc ethey “didn’t get this way acci­den­tal­ly; this is what it wants to be.”
He acknowl­edged any­one who’s “been around long enough” has “seen this sort of jour­nal­is­tic sto­ry-cycle before” in which some sort of hub­bub breaks out at a lib­er­al media heavyw …