‘Fam­i­ly Guy’ Mocks Jesus After Evan­gel­i­cal Refus­es to Have Sex with Dog/Brian

<div>'Family Guy' Mocks Jesus After Evangelical Refuses to Have Sex with Dog/Brian</div>

Fox’s Fam­i­ly Guy has been mock­ing Chris­tian­i­ty since the ear­ly years of the show. Last night’s episode turned Jesus into a vul­gar come­di­an who mocks His moth­er’s vir­gin­i­ty.
In the episode, “Faith No More,” Bri­an goes back in time to erase Chris­tian­i­ty from exis­tence after an attrac­tive Evan­gel­i­cal Chris­t­ian woman refus­es to have sex with him. 
After being reject­ed by a vet­eri­nary nurse who is an Evan­gel­i­cal Chris­t­ian, Bri­an comes home and rants to Stewie about Chris­tian­i­ty. 

Bri­an: Chris­tian­i­ty sucks. It’s stu­pid, arbi­trary non­sense. 
Stewie: You’re horny and she would­n’t have sex with you. 
Bri­an: No. And I did every­thing right. I even researched abor­tion clin­ics in case the con­dom broke. 
Stewie: Yeah, no, I know. It’s in your Twit­ter bio. 
Bri­an: Fine, but look around. So much of the divi­sion and hatred in today’s soci­ety comes from Chris­tian­i­ty. And it’s so hyp­o­crit­i­cal. I …