Hunter Biden turns to appeals courts after judges decline to drop charges

Hunter Biden turns to appeals courts after judges decline to drop charges

Hunter Biden is ask­ing appel­late courts in both of his crim­i­nal cas­es to con­sid­er dis­miss­ing his tax and gun charges, accord­ing to court doc­u­ments.
Biden asked the 3rd Cir­cuit Court of Appeals on Wednes­day to hear his argu­ments for dis­missal after a judge in Delaware denied Biden’s requests to drop three felonies relat­ed to a 2018 gun pur­chase.
Biden had argued to Judge Maryellen Nor­ei­ka that his charges should be dropped by claim­ing that a since-with­drawn plea agree­ment was actu­al­ly active and had immu­nized him from being charged; that spe­cial coun­sel David Weiss, who is over­see­ing Biden’s pros­e­cu­tions, was inap­pro­pri­ate­ly appoint­ed to his posi­tion; and that Weiss vio­lat­ed the sep­a­ra­tion of pow­ers by charg­ing Biden only after House Repub­li­cans demand­ed that he do so.
Nor­ei­ka, a …