MTG blast­ed for antics threat­en­ing to derail Con­gress: ‘Enough is enough’

MTG blasted for antics threatening to derail Congress: ‘Enough is enough’

Rep. Marc Moli­naro (R‑NY) is not hap­py with Rep. Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greene‘s (R‑GA) antics, includ­ing her threats to oust House Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA).
Greene threat­ened John­son by fil­ing a motion to vacate before the chamber’s East­er recess, but she did not file it as a priv­i­leged res­o­lu­tion, mean­ing it did not require imme­di­ate action. The New York Repub­li­can blast­ed Greene’s “the­ater” while on CNN’s The Source on Wednes­day night.

“Her the­ater and this con­stant effort to hold the Con­gress hostage has to come to an end. I’m gonna have no part in it. And a good num­ber of my col­leagues, con­ser­v­a­tive and mod­er­ate, believe that enough is enough. It is time to move on and to move past this kind of non­sense,” Moli­naro said.
Greene, who has been dan­gling the motion to vacate over John­son for near­ly a month, filed two pro­posed amend­ments to for­eign aid bills on Wednes …