Cal­i­for­nia sues Hunt­ing­ton Beach for vot­er-approved ID require­ment for elec­tions

California sues Huntington Beach for voter-approved ID requirement for elections

(The Cen­ter Square) – Cal­i­for­nia Attor­ney Gen­er­al Rob Bon­ta and Sec­re­tary of State Shirley Weber filed a law­suit against the City of Hunt­ing­ton Beach over its vot­er-approved ID require­ment for vot­ing in city elec­tions start­ing in 2026. 
While Bon­ta alleges the city’s require­ment vio­lates state elec­tion law because the city tends to con­sol­i­date its elec­tions with fed­er­al and state elec­tions, city lawyers say the legislature’s ongo­ing attempt to pass a state law ban­ning local vot­er ID require­men …