Col­umn: Do Celebri­ties Have Deep­er Lib­er­al Thoughts?

Column: Do Celebrities Have Deeper Liberal Thoughts?

When Lau­ra Ingra­ham wrote her book Shut Up and Sing in 2003, the Left didn’t read the book as much as over­re­act to the title. The title implied some­thing impor­tant. While celebri­ties gain a “plat­form” they feel com­pelled to use, do their opin­ions reflect any exper­tise? Or is fame more impor­tant than log­ic?
Celebri­ties often lead with emo­tion, and expect to cause an emo­tion­al reac­tion. They don’t expect “inde­pen­dent fact-check­ers” to exam­ine their emo­tions.
Exhib­it A is an April 15 inter­view of Hillary Clin­ton on The Kel­ly Clark­son …