Democ­rats Face Crit­i­cal Short­age Of Intim­i­dat­ing Insults

Democrats Face Critical Shortage Of Intimidating Insults

Demo­c­rat Par­ty offi­cials say they are now fac­ing a crit­i­cal short­age of intim­i­dat­ing insults with which to silence peo­ple who have oppos­ing opin­ions. Accord­ing to Demo­c­rat Vladimir Mohammed Jihad Lenin Chu Mohammed, Chair­man of the Left­ist Agency of Deroga­to­ry Intim­i­da­tion, or LADDIE — or LADY, depend­ing on your pro­nouns — the short­age could endan­ger Joe Biden’s chances of re-elec­tion in the event he comes back to life before Novem­ber.
Mr. Lenin Chu Mohammed spoke to The Dai­ly Wire on con­di­tion of an …