What we know about Max Azzarel­lo, the con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist who set him­self on fire out­side Trump tri­al

What we know about Max Azzarello, the conspiracy theorist who set himself on fire outside Trump trial

Police iden­ti­fied Max Azzarel­lo, a con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist, as the man who set him­self on fire out­side the cour­t­house where for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump was being tried in his hush mon­ey case.
Azzarel­lo resides in St. Augus­tine, Flori­da, and trav­eled to New York, with­out his fam­i­ly know­ing, in the last week, police said in a press con­fer­ence. Around 1:30 p.m. Fri­day, he walked to an area near where Trump sup­port­ers were protest­ing, threw pam­phlets from his back­pack, doused him­self in an accel­er­ant, and lit him­self on fire.
The fire burned for rough­ly two min­utes before he was sprayed with fire extin­guish­ers. He was tak­en away on a stretch­er and rushed to the hos­pi­tal.
Azzarel­lo was active on Insta­gram, post­ing a mes­sage say­ing “I love you” repeat­ed­ly …