Bill Maher calls for bipar­ti­san pro­tec­tions for chil­dren

Bill Maher calls for bipartisan protections for children

Talk show host Bill Maher raged against a lack of pro­tec­tions around chil­dren in Hol­ly­wood, accus­ing the left of over­look­ing child abuse “if the guy from the wrong par­ty calls it out.”
A seg­ment on Friday’s air­ing of Real Time with Bill Maher was cen­tered on the doc­u­men­tary Qui­et on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV. This doc­u­men­tary revealed pat­terns of child abuse on Nick­elodeon Stu­dios, where actor Drake Bell revealed him­self to be the once-anony­mous minor behind a crim­i­nal case against Nick­elodeon act­ing coach Bri­an Peck. Bell alleged he was repeat­ed­ly and vio­lent­ly assault­ed by Peck, who was ulti­mate­ly con­vict­ed in 2004.
“It also exposed hypocrisy because it must be point­ed out that when the evil Gov­er­nor of Flori­da was say­ing the exact same thing about kids and creepy stuff at Dis­ney that lib­er­als now find intol­er­a­ble at Nick­elodeon, he was dis­missed as a hick and a big­ot,” Maher said of Gov. Ron DeSan­tis (R‑FL).
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How­ev­er, as Maher point­ed out on the show, Peck went on to work f …