PBS Mourns ‘Far-Right’ Influ­ence on GOP While Encour­ag­ing Far-Left

It was a for­eign pol­i­cy-heavy edi­tion of PBS NewsHour’s week­ly Fri­day news recap seg­ment with New York Times colum­nist David Brooks and Wash­ing­ton Post asso­ciate edi­tor Jonathan Cape­hart. Togeth­er with host William Brang­ham, the duo would claim that the “far-right” threat­ens to throw the GOP into chaos for its oppo­si­tion to Ukraine aid, but not only did the far-left not receive any label­ing for oppos­ing Israel aid, but it also received encour­age­ment to keep up the protest­ing.
Repub­li­cans an …