So Sad! Bri­an Stel­ter, Post Reporter Can’t Get Press Cre­den­tials from Trump Cam­paign

<div>So Sad! Brian Stelter, Post Reporter Can't Get Press Credentials from Trump Campaign</div>

Char­lotte Klein at Van­i­ty Fair was upset that the Trump cam­paign is “cut­ting off access” to reporters who are extreme­ly hos­tile to Trump, includ­ing Bri­an Stel­ter (also of Van­i­ty Fair) and Wash­ing­ton Post reporter Isaac Arns­dorf, whose new book is titled Fin­ish What We Start­ed: The MAGA Movement’s Ground War to End Democ­ra­cy.
Klein protest­ed the book “has been praised by two such mem­bers of that move­ment, Steve Ban­non and John Fred­er­icks, both of whom had Arns­dorf on their shows and rec­om­mend­ed the book to their audi­ences.” That’s bizarre. By con­trast, the Trump cam­paign took excep­tion to the “End Democ­ra­cy” hype.
Since Feb­ru­ary, Arns­dorf has not been per­mit­ted to enter cam­paign events as cre­den­tialed media. That doesn’t mean he can’t cov­er events. He just has to sit where reg­u­lar folks do. Klein lament­ed “that requires get­ting to ral­lies much ear­li­er, which could be a deal break­er for some jour­nal­ists giv­en their busy sched­ules.” Cry a riv­er.
“Nobody has been denied an …