CNN’s Jake Tap­per Brings In ‘Fact Check­er’ Daniel Dale to Knock Trump’s Opin­ions

<div>CNN's Jake Tapper Brings In 'Fact Checker' Daniel Dale to Knock Trump's Opinions</div>

CNN’s res­i­dent “fact check­er” Daniel Dale usu­al­ly shows his face on air when CNN wants to attack Don­ald Trump. On Thurs­day’s The Lead with Jake Tap­per, Dale con­fessed that Trump’s state­ments dur­ing jury selec­tion were most­ly just opin­ion, but he mocked the “false con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry” that Pres­i­dent Biden had some­thing to do with Man­hat­tan DA Alvin Brag­g’s pros­e­cu­tion, even though an Asso­ciate Attor­ney Gen­er­al joined Brag­g’s team. 

JAKE TAPPER: Daniel, we just heard a lit­tle speech from Mr. Trump. What did you make of it? Did he say anyth …