NPR’s ‘Domes­tic Extrem­ism’ Reporter: Trump Could Cause Vio­lence Against Jurors

<div>NPR's 'Domestic Extremism' Reporter: Trump Could Cause Violence Against Jurors</div>

One way the left­ist media want to add juice to the Trump tri­al is to sug­gest the jurors will be threat­ened by Trump out­bursts in court or on social media. On Friday’s All Things Con­sid­ered, they brought in “NPR domes­tic extrem­ism cor­re­spon­dent Odette Yousef” to spread the con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry that Trump mes­sages will lead to vio­lence. They real­ly should be blunter, and just call her the Far Right warn­ing cor­re­spon­dent.

AILSA CHANG: Odette, you’ve looked at what it can mean to serve on a jury for a Trump tri­al, like the safe­ty con­cerns, the reper­cus­sions per­son­al­ly. Tell us what you’re find­ing.
YOUSEF: So, Ail­sa, the chal­lenge here is that, you know, jurors need to feel that their pri­va­cy and safe­ty are not at risk when they serve. But the court also needs to main­tain some trans­paren­cy to court pro­ceed­ings so that there’s pub­lic faith in the process. And find­ing that sweet spot is chal­leng­ing, and it’s been espe­cial­ly hard in the Trump tri­als. And that’s because Don­ald Trump owns a social media plat­form, Ail­sa. And so, you know, we’ve seen this pat­tern, a cor­re­la­tion, where, when he posts crit­i­cism about spe­cif­ic peo­ple or p …