Arrests made at Yale Uni­ver­si­ty after third night of pro-Pales­tin­ian pro­test­ers encamp­ment

At least 40 peo­ple have been arrest­ed in New Haven, Con­necti­cut, after the third night of pro-Pales­tin­ian pro­test­ers’ encamp­ment at Yale Uni­ver­si­ty, accord­ing to Yale Dai­ly News.
The pro­test­ers were hold­ing an encamp­ment at Bei­necke Plaza on Yale’s cam­pus, demand­ing the uni­ver­si­ty divest from mil­i­tary weapons man­u­fac­tur­ers. On Mon­day morn­ing, police with riot gear were called to the uni­ver­si­ty, and as of 8 a.m., police arrest­ed at least 40 peo­ple, charg­ing them with tres­pass­ing, and dis­man­tled mul­ti­ple tents. Yale Police Chief Antho­ny Camp­bell said pro­test­ers were giv­en a warn­ing Sun­day at 11 p.m. and again Mon­day at 7 a.m. to leave the area or face arrest.
Some pro­test­ers were heard say­ing, ​​”YPD or KKK, IDF, they’re all the same,” and, “Arab blood is not cheap, for the mar­tyrs we will speak.” 
On Sun­day, so …