Biden Admin­is­tra­tion Declares That Crim­i­nal Back­ground Checks Are Racist Against Black Peo­ple

Biden Administration Declares That Criminal Background Checks Are Racist Against Black People

Here’s a sta­tis­tic that, if you have a job in cor­po­rate Amer­i­ca, may be the sin­gle least sur­pris­ing piece of infor­ma­tion you’ll hear all year.
It turns out that every sin­gle one of the For­tune 100 com­pa­nies — 100% of them — has made a pub­lic com­mit­ment to DEI on their web­site. There isn’t a sin­gle out­lier in the top 100 com­pa­nies in this coun­try. Chris Rufo looked into this, and he found that they all have a stock DEI page. Whether you go to Ama­zon or Tar­get or Dell or Ver­i­zon or Home Depot, or banks or insur­ance com­pa­nies or a …