Colum­bia pres­i­dent makes class­es vir­tu­al due to ‘intim­i­dat­ing and harass­ing’ behav­ior of pro-Pales­tin­ian pro­test­ers

Columbia president makes classes virtual due to ‘intimidating and harassing’ behavior of pro-Palestinian protesters

Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty Pres­i­dent Minouche Shafik announced a shift to vir­tu­al class­es on Mon­day due to cam­pus unrest fol­low­ing clash­es between pro-Pales­tin­ian and pro-Israel pro­test­ers. 
Shafik issued the announce­ment ear­ly Mon­day, cit­ing a need to “deesca­late the ran­cor” and “reset.” Last week, more than 100 stu­dents at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty and Barnard Col­lege were arrest­ed for being involved with a “Gaza Sol­i­dar­i­ty Encamp­ment,” which esca­lat­ed into anti­se­mit­ic inci­dents across the New York City cam­pus­es. 
“We need a reset,” Shafik said. “To deesca­late the ran­cor and give us all a chance to con­sid­er next steps, I am announc­ing that all class­es will be held vir­tu­al­ly on Mon­day.”
She also con­demned the anti­se­mit­ic rhetoric used by the pro­test­ers. 

New York City police offi­cers in riot gear stand guard as demon­stra­tors chant slo­gans out­side the Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty cam­pus, Thurs­day, April 18, 2024, in New York. The pro­test­ers w …