‘This Is Total B.S.’: Sage Steele Slams ‘Hypocrisy’ Of Left Push­ing ‘Diver­si­ty And Tol­er­ance’ Dur­ing Inter­view With Ben Shapiro

‘This Is Total B.S.’: Sage Steele Slams ‘Hypocrisy’ Of Left Pushing ‘Diversity And Tolerance’ During Interview With Ben Shapiro

For­mer ESPN anchor Sage Steele blast­ed the Left’s “preach­ing” of “diver­si­ty, tol­er­ance, and accep­tance” while she has faced crit­i­cism for cel­e­brat­ing her bira­cial iden­ti­ty.
Steele sat down with Dai­ly Wire Edi­tor Emer­i­tus Ben Shapiro on the “Sun­day Spe­cial” edi­tion of his pod­cast for an hour-long con­ver­sa­tion about her career and the fall­out at ESPN. After telling Shapiro about what led to the infu­sion of pol­i­tics and sports at ESPN, Steele was asked about the pres­sure she has received to repeat left­ist tal­ki …