Trump seeks to pry ‘young’ vot­ers from Biden over Tik­Tok ban brew­ing in Con­gress

Trump seeks to pry ‘young’ voters from Biden over TikTok ban brewing in Congress

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump is attempt­ing to tie brew­ing leg­is­la­tion poten­tial­ly ban­ning Tik­Tok to Pres­i­dent Joe Biden as he courts young vot­ers.
The House advanced leg­is­la­tion Sat­ur­day includ­ed in the for­eign aid bills, forc­ing the sale of Tik­Tok from its Chi­nese own­ers with­in a year to avoid a ban in the Unit­ed States. The Sen­ate is wide­ly expect­ed to pass the leg­is­la­tion this week, and Biden will like­ly sign it into law. Trump post­ed on Truth Social on Mon­day that Biden is “respon­si­ble for ban­ning Tik­Tok” and that “young peo­ple,” among oth­ers, “must remem­ber this” on Elec­tion Day in Novem­ber.

“Just so every­one knows, espe­cial­ly the young peo­ple, Crooked Joe Biden is respon­si­ble for ban­ning Tik­Tok. He is the one push­ing it to close, and doing it to help his friends over at Face­book become rich­er and more dom­i­nant, and able to con­tin­ue to fight, per­haps ille­gal­ly, the Repub­li­can Par­ty,” the for­mer pres­i­dent wrote in a post.
“Young peo­ple, and lots …