Greg Lopez, care­tak­er Col­orado GOP can­di­date, to bring ‘respect’ to Ken Buck’s seat

Greg Lopez, caretaker Colorado GOP candidate, to bring ‘respect’ to Ken Buck’s seat

EXCLUSIVE — For­mer Park­er, Col­orado, May­or Greg Lopez car­ries a Rorschach test in his pock­et that shows both a young and old woman depend­ing on the viewer’s per­spec­tive — a sym­bol of the way he plans to approach con­ver­sa­tions with House mem­bers if elect­ed to replace Rep. Ken Buck (R‑CO) in a spe­cial elec­tion this sum­mer.
Sit­ting out­side in a park behind the Long­worth House Office Build­ing, Lopez showed the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er the pic­ture, explain­ing that the anal­o­gy rep­re­sents how he holds dis­cus­sions with peo­ple on the “oppo­site side” of his posi­tion.
“It’s not that you’re wrong. It’s not that I’m wrong,” Lopez said. “Because we are look­ing at it from our world­view. Right? But let’s come togeth­er and rec­og­nize, ‘Let’s respect each oth­er.’”

Greg Lopez min­gles with the crowd in Hugo, Col­orado, on Th …