Biden bun­gles stage direc­tion and reads ‘pause’ off teleprompter before crowd chants ‘four more years’

Biden bungles stage direction and reads ‘pause’ off teleprompter before crowd chants ‘four more years’

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden had an awk­ward moment when he appeared to read off instruc­tions from the teleprompter rather than just fol­low­ing them.
Biden was speak­ing at North America’s Build­ing Trade Union Nation­al Leg­isla­tive Con­fer­ence in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., on Wednes­day when he asked the audi­ence to imag­ine what could be pos­si­ble with anoth­er term in the White House. How­ev­er, he then said, “Pause.”

BIDEN, read­ing from his teleprompter: “Four more years? Pause?“It’s all com­plete­ly staged.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 24, 2024

“Folks, imag­ine what we can do next. Four more years. Pause,” Biden said before the crowd began a “four more years” chant.
The chants went on for rough­ly 20 sec­onds before Biden pro­claimed to the crowd that “we are ready to move for­ward, not back.”
Biden’s like­ly oppo­nent in Novem­ber, f …