Biden White House hosts DC offi­cial who praised anti­semite despite report­ed invite ban

Biden White House hosts DC official who praised antisemite despite reported invite ban

A Wash­ing­ton, D.C., offi­cial scored two more vis­its to the White House after a spokesman for Pres­i­dent Joe Biden report­ed­ly assert­ed that she would not be allowed to return fol­low­ing her praise of anti­semite Louis Far­rakhan.
Cora Mas­ters Bar­ry, an offi­cial serv­ing under Wash­ing­ton May­or Muriel Bows­er, said at a mid-2022 event that Far­rakhan was a “friend” and “mem­ber of the fam­i­ly,” prompt­ing spokesman Andrew Bates for the White House, which Mas­ters Bar­ry had vis­it­ed repeat­ed­ly since July 2021, to say Biden “denounces any praise of Louis Far­rakhan or his repug­nant, anti­se­mit­ic val­ues, includ­ing in this case.” Bates had told Fox News that the White House would ban Mas­ters Bar­ry from future vis­its, though gov­ern­ment vis­i­tor logs show she returned to the White House twice — in June 2023 and Decem­ber 2023.
The Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er reached out to the White House and Mas­ters Bar­ry for com­ment. The Repub­li­can Jew­ish Coali­tion said the White House needs to own up to why it would invite Mas­ters Bar­ry back, includ­ing after the Oct. 7 Hamas-led ter­ror­ist attack on Israel.